Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Best Car Insurance Company in 2013 Indonesia

peter colt | 2:59 AM |

Best Car Insurance - Best Car Insurance Company in 2013 Indonesia,

1 . Max Age of vehicle

Every car insurance company , have different rules regarding the percentage of loading rate and the age of the car that can be insured . For example, the ACA Insurance provide loading rate of 0.1 % per year for 11-15 year old car , but not so denan Jaya Protection ( JAPRO ) which provides loading rate of 10 % for cars aged 8-10 years . The two companies both have the best car insurance products , but they have their own calculations .

2 . Max sum insured

Max sum insured He is the sum of the values ​​of affordable car insurance company to the insured against his client . In general , car insurance companies have no value or nominal open boundaries , but there is also a limit value , such as General Insurance Avrist which limits its max sum insured at the rate of Rp 1.2 billion .

3 . Third party liability

Represents the amount of money spent car insurance companies to third parties involved in an accident involving his client ( auto insurance holder ) . Each has a number of third party insurance liability limits are different , numeric scale ranging from Rp 25 million to Rp 50 million .

4 . Towing fee limit

Every car insurance company also has a different percentage in providing compensation fund , related towing . The percentage ranged from 0.5 % -1 % of the insured value of the car , when the state of the car before an accident or incident .

5 . Personal accident limit

Total coverage for accidents also diverse , ranging from Rp 25 million to Rp 50 million .

6 . Limit non standard accesories

The percentage of the value of any compensation that will spare not a standard factory , usually amounts to 10 % of the sum insured or the max value of the car insurance .

7 . Partial loss

Is the claim that the value of the repairs has not reached 100 % of the price of the actual car . However, to obtain compensation , insurance owner should allocate funds in advance , before the insurance company compensate . Its value starts from Rp 200 thousand to Rp 500 thousand .

8 . Constructive total loss

Claim is caused , because the damage exceeds the price of the car is insured , before the accident occurred . Similar to the partial loss , the value of which must be paid in advance , is approximately Rp 200 thousand .

9 . Riot , Strike , Civil Commotion & Act of God

Is the claim made in the event of riots and natural disasters . Value to be paid in advance by the owner of the car insurance from Rp 200 thousand - Rp 500 thousand .

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